December 31, 2024

[ Articles currently under review/revision ]

119. Yuki Oyama and Takashi Akamatsu (2024),
“A Market-based Efficient Matching Mechanism for
 Crowdsourced Delivery Systems with Demand/Supply Elasticities,”
  arXiv: 2412.20395v1  [PDF].

118. Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa, and Yuki Oyama (revised 2024),
“Global Stability of Day-to-Day Dynamics for
 Schedule-based Markovian Transit Assignment with Boarding Queues,”
  arXiv: 2304.02194v1  [PDF].

117. Takara Sakai, Koki Satsukawa, and Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“Non-existence of Queues for System Optimal Departure Patterns in Tree Networks,”
  arXiv: 2205.06015v1  [PDF].

116. Takashi Akamatsu, Tomoya Mori, Minoru Osawa and Yuki Takayama (revised 2024),
“Spatial Scale of Agglomeration and Dispersion:
 Number, Spacing, and the Spatial Extent of Cities,”
  arXiv: 1912.05113v6  [PDF].

115. Tomoya Mori, Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama, and Minoru Osawa (revised 2024),
“Origin of Power Laws and Their Spatial Fractal Structure for City-Size Distributions,”
  arXiv: 2207.05346v5  [PDF].

114. Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yosuke Kogure (revised 2021),
“Stochastic Stability of Agglomeration Patterns in a Boltzmann-Lotka-Volterra Retail Model,”
  arXiv: 2011.06778v1  [PDF].

[ Articles Published in Research Journals ]

113. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, and Koki Satsukawa (2024),
“A Paradox of Remote and Flexible Working in the Bottleneck Model,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 25th ISTTT)
Transportation Science    Vol.58, pp.1335-1351.    [PDF]

112. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, and Koki Satsukawa (2024),
“Queue Replacement Principle for Corridor Problems with Heterogeneous Commuters,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.187, Article 103024    [PDF]

111. Takashi Akamatsu and Yuki Oyama (2024),
“A Fluid-Particle Decomposition Approach to Matching Market Design for Crowdsourced Delivery Systems,”
Transportation Research Part C    Vol.166, Article 104738.    [PDF]

110. Masanao Wakui, Takara Sakai, and Takashi Akamatsu (2023),
“An Effcient Algorithm for Solving Dynamic User Equiibrium Traffic Assignment in Large-scale Networks,”
Japanese Journal of JSCE    Vol.79, No.4, Article ID:22-00301.     [PDF]

109. Takara Sakai, Masanao Wakui, and Takashi Akamatsu (2023),
“A Fast Algorithm for Solving Fujita-Ogawa Model in Discrete Two-dimensional Space,”
Japanese Journal of JSCE    Vol.79, No.4, Article ID:22-00341.     [PDF]

108. Tsubasa Takeda and Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“An Efficient Matching Mechanism for a Large-scale Crowdsourced Delivery Systems:
 A Generalized Model with Price Elasticity of Supply and Demand,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.78, No.4, pp.190-209.     [PDF]

107. Haoran Fu, Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa, and Kentaro Wada (2022),
“Dynamic Traffic Assignment in a Corridor Network: Optimum vs. Equilibrium,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.161, pp.218-246.    [PDF]

106. Yuki Oyama, Yusuke Hara, and Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“Markovian Equilibrium Traffic Assignment based on Network GEV Model,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.155, pp.135-159.    [PDF]

105. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, and Koki Satsukawa (2021),
“Departure Time Choice Problems with Heterogeneous Values of Schedule Delay in Tandem Bottlenecks,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.77, No.4, pp.330-345.     [PDF]

104. Taiki Watanabe and Takashi Akamatsu (2021),
“Decomposition Strategies for Solving Crowdsourced-Delivery Matching Problems,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.77, No.2, pp.083-095.     [PDF]

103. Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, Takamasa Iryo, and Shunsuke Hayashi (2021),
“A New Look at Departure-time Choice Equilibrium Models with Heterogeneous Users,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.148, pp.152-182.    [PDF]

102. Takashi Akamatsu, Takeshi Nagae, Minoru Osawa, Koki Satsukawa, Takara Sakai, and Daijiro Mizutani (2021),
“Model-based Analysis on Social Acceptability and Feasibility of a Focused Protection Strategy against the COVID-19 Pandemic,”
Scientific Reports    Vol.11, Article number 2003.    [PDF]

101. Takeshi Nagae, Takashi Akamatsu, Ren Shimizu and Haoran Fu (2020),
“A Quadratic Programming Approach for Solving a Dynamic User Equilibrium with Simultaneous Departure Time and Route Choice,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.76, No.3, pp.264-281.     [PDF]

100. Minoru Osawa and Takashi Akamatsu (2020),
“Equilibrium Refinement for a Model of Non-monocentric Internal Structures of Cities: A Potential Game Approach,”
Journal of Economic Theory    Vol.187, 105025.    [PDF]

99. Kentaro Wada, Koki Satsukawa, Mike Smith, and Takashi Akamatsu (2019),
“Network Throughput under Dynamic User Equilibrium: Queue Spillback, Paradox and Traffic Control,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.126, pp.391-413.   [PDF]

98. Shuhei Yamaguchi and Takashi Akamatsu (2019),
“Stochastic Stability Analysis of a Model of Polycentric Urban Configrations: Linear City vs. Circular City,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.75, No.2, pp.109-127.     [PDF]

97. Takara Sakai and Takashi Akamatsu (2019),
“Stability of Congestion Patterns and Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams in Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Network,”
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.75, No.2, pp.097-108.     [PDF]

96. Tomoki Ishikura, Yuki Takayama, and Takashi Akamatsu (2018),
“Modeling Spatial Agglomeration with Input-Output Linkages and Multi-Scale Spatial Structure,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.74, No.3, pp.203-216.     [PDF]

95. Pengfei Wang, Kentaro Wada, Takashi Akamatsu, and Takeshi Nagae (2018),
“Trading Mechanisms for Bottleneck Permits with Multiple Purchase Opportunities,”
Transportation Research Part C    Vol.95, pp.414-430.    [PDF]

94b. Minoru Osawa, Haoran Fu and Takashi Akamatsu (2018),
“First-best Dynamic Assignment of Commuters with Endogenous Heterogeneities in a Corridor Network,”
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.117, pp.811-831.   [PDF]

94a. Minoru Osawa, Haoran Fu, and Takashi Akamatsu (2017),
“First-best Dynamic Assignment of Commuters with Endogenous Heterogeneities in a Corridor Network,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 22nd ISTTT)    Vol.22, pp.303-321.   [PDF]

93. Takashi Akamatsu and Kentaro Wada (2017),
“Tradable Network Permits: A New Scheme for the Most Efficient Use of Network Capacity,”
Transportation Research Part C    Vol.79, pp.178-195.    [PDF]

92. Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama (2017),
“Harris and Wilson (1978) Model Revisited:
  The Spatial Period Doubling Bifurcation Cascade in an Urban Retail Model,”
Journal of Regional Science    Vol.57, pp.442-466.    [PDF]

91. Takashi Akamatsu, Shota Fujishima, and Yuki Takayama (2017),
“Discrete-space Agglomeration Models with Social Interactions:
  Multiplicity, Stability, and Continuous Limit of Equilibria,”
Journal of Mathematical Economics    Vol.69, pp.22 - 37.    [PDF]

90. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Kazuo Murota, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama (2017),
“Agglomeration Patterns in a Long Narrow Economy of a New Economic Geography Model:
  Analogy to a Racetrack Economy, ” (Invited Paper)
Special Issue in honor of Masahisa Fujita,
International Journal of Economic Theory    Vol.13, pp.113-145.    [PDF]

89. Minoru Osawa and Takashi Akamatsu (2017),
“A Critical Note on Recent Empirical Studies based on Spatial Agglomeration Models,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.73, No.1, pp.001-015.

88. Takashi Akamatsu, Minoru Osawa, Takeshi Nagae, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi (2016),
“Post Mega-Disaster Gasoline Distribution Strategies to Reduce Social-Economic Losses:
  Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” (Invited Paper)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.72, No.5, pp.I_1-I_19.

87. Yuki Takayama, Takashi Akamatsu, and Tomoki Ishikura (2016),
“Development of a Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model with Factor Mobility and Agglomeration Economies,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.72, No.2, pp.211-230.

86. Pengfei Wang, Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, Masatoshi Sugita, Toshikazu Nagoya, and Hiroshi Sumi (2016),
“Characterization of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams Based on a Long-term Detector Data:
  A Case Study of Sendai and Kyoto Cities,” (in Japanese)
JSTE Journal of Traffic Engineering    Vol.2, No.5, pp.11-20.

85. Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama (2015),
“Bifurcation Analysis of a Retail Location Model with Agglomeration Economy,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.71, No.3, pp.141-155.

84. Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, and Shunsuke Hayashi (2015),
“The Corridor Problem with Discrete Multiple Bottlenecks,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 21st ISTTT)    Vol.21, pp.474-498.
Transportation Research Part B    Vol.81, pp.808-829.   [PDF]

83. Pengfei Wang, Kentaro Wada, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yusuke Hara (2015),
“An Empirical Analysis of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Sendai Road Network,”
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences     Vol.21, No.1, pp.049-061.      [PDF]

82. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Kazuo Murota, Takashi Akamatsu, Tatsuhito Kono, and Yuki Takayama (2014),
“Self-organization of Hexagonal Agglomeration Patterns in New Economic Geography Models,”
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization   Vol.99, pp. 32 - 57.     [PDF]

81. Yusuke Hara and Takashi Akamatsu (2014),
“Stochastic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment with a Network GEV based Route Choice Model,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.70, No.5, pp.611-620.

80. Yuki Takayama, Takashi Akamatsu, and Tomoki Ishikura (2014),
“Development of a SCGE Model based on New Economic Geography,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.70, No.4, pp.245-258.

79. Yuki Takayama, Takashi Akamatsu and Naohiro Kosaka (2014),
“Agglomeration Patterns of a Core-Periphery Model with Multi-Scale Spatial Structure,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.70, No.1, pp.113-130.

78. Yuki Takayama, Takashi Akamatsu, and Akiko Sugasawa (2013),
“Emergence of Urban Hierarchies in One-Dimensional Space:
  Bifurcation Analysis of a Multi-Industrial Core-Periphery Model with Relocation Costs,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.69, No.3, pp.250-266.

77. Kentaro Wada and Takashi Akamatsu (2013),
“A Hybrid Implementation Mechanism of Tradable Network Permits System which Obviates Path Enumeration:
  An Auction Mechanism with Day-to-Day Capacity Control,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 20th ISTTT)    Vol.20, pp.304-326.
Transportation Research Part E    Vol.60, pp.94-112.   [PDF]

76-e. Takashi Akamatsu, Minoru Osawa, Takeshi Nagae, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi (2013),
“Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gasoline Shortages in the Tohoku Region after the Great East Japan Earthquake,”
Special Issue (Invited Papers) on 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake,
Journal of JSCE   Vol.1, No.1, pp.447-469.    [PDF]

76-j. Takashi Akamatsu, Minoru Osawa, Takeshi Nagae, and Hiromichi Yamaguchi (2013),
“Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gasoline Shortages in the Tohoku Region after the Great East Japan Earthquake,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.69, No.2, pp.187-205.

75. Takashi Akamatsu, Hiromichi Yamaguchi, Takeshi Nagae, and Hajime Inamura (2013),
“A Quantitative Analysis of the Oil Shortage in Tohoku Region during the First Month after the Great East Japan Earthquake,” (in Japanese)
Transport Policy Studies' Review    Vol.16, No.1, pp.031-041.    [PDF]

74. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Takashi Akamatsu, Tatsuhito Kono, Yuki Takayama, Kenji Sakamoto, and Reza Sobhaninejad (2013),
“Agglomeration Mechanism of a System of Cities on a Line Segment,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.69, No.1, pp.053-063.

73. Kentaro Wada, Sangjoon Kil, Takashi Akamatsu, and Minoru Osawa (2012),
“A Control Strategy to Prevent Delay Propagation in High-Frequency Railway Systems,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.68, No.5, pp.1025-1034 .

72. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Kazuo Murota, and Takashi Akamatsu (2012),
“Self-Organization of Lösch's Hexagons in Economic Agglomeration for Core-Periphery Models,”
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos    Vol.22, Issue 8, 1230026.    [PDF]

71. Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama, and Kiyohiro Ikeda (2012),
“Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack-Economy:
  A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models,”
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control    Vol.36, Issue11, pp.1729-1759.    [PDF]

70. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Takashi Akamatsu, and Tatsuhito Kono (2012),
“Spatial Period-Doubling Agglomeration of a Core-Periphery Model with a System of Cities,”
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control    Vol.36, Issue 05, pp. 754 - 778.    [PDF]

69. Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2011),
“A Network of Options: Evaluating Complex Interdependent Decisions under Uncertainty,”
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control    Vol.35, Issue 05, pp. 714 - 729.    [PDF]

68. Kentaro Wada and Takashi Akamatsu (2011),
“Auction Mechanisms for Implementing Tradable Network Permits,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.67, No.3, pp.376-389.

67. Yuki Takayama and Takashi Akamatsu (2011),
“Emergence of Polycentric Urban Configurations from Combination of Communication Externality and Spatial Competition,” (in Japanese)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.67, No.1, pp.001-020.

66. Yuki Takayama and Takashi Akamatsu (2010),
“Emergence of Industrial Hierarchy in One-dimensional Space:
  Bifurcation Analysis of a Multi-industry Location Model with Communication Externality,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.27, No.02, pp.285-295.

65. Yuki Takayama and Takashi Akamatsu (2010),
“Bifurcation Analysis of a Core-Periphery Model on a Two-dimensional Triangular Lattice,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.27, No.01, pp.109-120.

64. Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama, Kiyohiro Ikeda, and Akiko Sugasawa (2010),
“Bifurcation Mechanism of the Core-Periphery System of Cities Model,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.66, No.4, pp.442-460.

63. Yuki Takayama and Takashi Akamatsu (2010),
“Non-Uniqueness and Stability of Equilibrium Urban Configuration for Beckmann's Spatial Interaction Model,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.66, No.2, pp.232-245.

62. Kentaro Wada and Takashi Akamatsu (2010),
“An e-Market Mechanism for Implementing Tradable Bottleneck Permits,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.66, No.2, pp.160-177.

61. Sangjoon Kil, Takashi Akamatsu, Shiro Kikuchi, and Sinichi Inoue (2009),
“Efficient Algorithms for Semi-dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment with a Many-to-One OD Pattern,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.26, No.5, pp.989-997.

60. Akiko Sugasawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama (2009),
“Welfare Analysis of a Core-Periphery Model with Consumer Heterogeneity,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.26, No.2, pp.393-402.

59. Yuki Takayama and Takashi Akamatsu (2009),
“Irreducibility of Dynamic Traffic Conditions in a Model of Residential Location and Departure Time Choice Equilibrium with Bottleneck Congestion,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.65, No.1, pp.039-052.

58. Masanobu Yodoshi, Takashi Akamatsu, and Yuki Takayama (2008),
“Pareto Improvement Properties of Tradable Permit Systems for a Tandem Bottleneck Network,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.25, No.4, pp.897-908.

57. Shiro Kikuchi and Takashi Akamatsu (2008),
“Dynamics of Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems for Implementing Tradable Network Permits,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.25, No.3, pp.589-596.

56. Toshimori Otazawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Shuichi Yamazaki (2008),
“Socially Optimal Dynamic Allocation in Core-Periphery Models with Economic Uncertainty,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.25, No.1, pp.245-254.

55. Iori Kasahara and Takashi Akamatsu (2008),
“Bifurcation Patterns of a Core-Periphery Model with Multiple Industries,” (in Japanese)
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan    Vol.43, No.3, pp.109-114.

54. Shintaro Sato and Takashi Akamatsu (2008),
“A Core-Periphery Model with a Knowledge Transfer Mechanism,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.64, No.2, pp.239-251.

53. Kentaro Wada, Takashi Akamatsu, and Shiro Kikuchi (2008),
“Convergence of Day-to-Day Traffic Flow Dynamics under Tradable Bottleneck Permits,”
Urban Transport   Vol.14,   pp.579-588.

52. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2008),
“A Generalized Complementarity Approach to Solving Real Option Problems,”
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control   Vol.32, Issue 6, pp.1754-1779.   [PDF]

51. Shirou Kikuchi and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“A Semi-dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment Model with Link Arrival and Departure Rates,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.24, No.3, pp.577-586.

50. Toshimori Otazawa, Takashi Akamatsu, and Makoto Fujiwara (2007),
“Core-Periphery Equilibrium Dynamics under Uncertainty: Nonlinear Complementarity Approach,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.24, No.1, pp.197-206.

49. Akito Yanagimoto, Kiyohiro Ikeda, Takashi Akamatsu, Tatsuhito Kono, and Syunji Yamaki (2007),
“Proposal of a Bifurcation Analysis Procedure of Core-Periphery Model by Computational Bifurcation Theory,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.24, No.1, pp.191-196.

48. Kei Takahashi, Takashi Akamatsu, and Go Mizutani (2007),
“Real Option Problems with Stochastic Interest Rates,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.24, No.1, pp.111-120.

47. Toshimori Otazawa and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Equilibrium Dynamics of Interregional Migration Timing Decision in Agglomeration Economies,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.63, No.4, pp.567-578.

46. Kiyohiro Ikeda, Tatsuhito Kono, Takashi Akamatsu, Akito Yanagimoto, and Syunji Yamaki (2007),
“Symmetry Breaking Bifurcation of Krugman's Core-Periphery Model with Many Regions: Group Theoretic Approach,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.63, No.4, pp.553-566.

45. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Catastrophe Averse Strategies for Routing and Siting in the Disposal of Hazardous Materials,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.63, No.4, pp.509-523.

44. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Dynamic System Optimal Traffic Control based on Realtime Observation of Stochastic Travel Time,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.63, No.3, pp.311-327.

43. Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“A System of Tradable Bottleneck Permits for Transportation Networks,” (in Japanese);
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.63, No.3, pp.287-301.

42. Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2007),
“Dynamic Ramp Metering Strategies for Risk Averse System Optimal Assignment,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 17th ISTTT)   Vol.17, pp.87-110. [PDF]

41. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2006),
“Dynamic Revenue Management of a Toll Road Project under Transportation Demand Uncertainty,”
Networks and Spatial Economics   Vol.6, pp.345-357.   [PDF]

40. Takashi Akamatsu, Shintaro Sato, and Nguyen Xuan Long (2006),
“Tradable Time-of-Day Bottleneck Permits for Morning Commuters,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management    Vol.62, No.4, pp.605-620.

39. Shuichi Yamazaki and Takashi Akamatsu (2006),
“Risk Averse Dynamic System Optimal Traffic Assignment,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.23, No.4, pp.963-972.

38. Shintaro Sato and Takashi Akamatsu (2006),
“A Simultaneous Equilibrium Model of Work Start Time & Departure Time Choices with Bottleneck Congestion,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.23, No.4, pp.903-910.

37. Kei Takahashi and Takashi Akamatsu (2006),
“Managing Regional Economic Risks due to the Entry and Exit of Global Firms: A Study on Hedging Strategies with Financial Options,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.23, No.1, pp.051-058.

36. Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2006),
“A Financial Engineering Approach to Managing Infrastructure Project Risks,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.23, No.1, pp.001-021.

35. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2004),
“A Stochastic Control Model of Project Decisions Represented as a Graph Structure,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.772(IV-65), pp.185-202.

34. Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2004),
“Variational Ineauqlity Approach  to Infrastructure Investment/Management Problems under Uncertainty,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.765(IV-64), pp.155-171.

33. Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2004),
“Dynamic Pricing and Hedging of Projects with Stochastic Cash Flow Streams:
an Entropic Projection Approach,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.751(IV-62), pp.039-054.

32. Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2003),
“Pricing of Real Options in an Incomplete Market,” (in Japanese)
Journal of Applied Regional Science   Vol. 8 (2), pp.081-093. [PDF]

31. Takashi Akamatsu and Benjamin Heydecker (2003),
“Detecting Dynamic Traffic Assignment Capacity Paradoxes in Saturated Networks,”
Transportation Science   Vol.37, pp.123-138.   [PDF]

30.Toshikazu Hayazaki and Takashi Akamatsu (2002),
“A Hybrid Schemes of Congestion Pricing and Reservations in Transportation Networks,” (in Japanese)
Advances in Infrastrucure Planning Applications of MPEC,   pp.037-060.

29. Takashi Akamatsu (2001),
“An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment with Queues,”
Transportation Science   Vol.35, pp.389-404.   [PDF]

28. Masao Kuwahara and Takashi Akamatsu (2001),
“Dynamic User Optimal Assignment with Physical Queues for a Many-to-Many OD Pattern,”
Transportation Research Part B   Vol.35, pp.461-479.   [PDF]

27. Masao Kuwahara and Takashi Akamatsu (2000),
“Dynamic Network Analyses - Present Knowledge and Future Exploration,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.653(IV-48), pp.003-016.

26. Takashi Akamatsu (2000),
“A Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment Paradox,”
Transportation Research Part B   Vol.34, pp.515-531.   [PDF]

25. Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1999),
“A Capacity Increasing Paradox for a Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Departure Time Choice,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 14th ISTTT)   Vol.14, pp.301-324. [PDF]   [Slides]

24. Takashi Akamatsu and Nozomu Takamatsu (1999),
“Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Origin-Destination Patterns,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.618 (IV-43), pp.039-051.

23. Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Maeda, and Toshikazu Hayazaki (1999),
“Optimal Dispersion of Morning Commuters in Road Networks with Queuing,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.16, pp.979-989.

22. Takashi Akamatsu, Yukio Makino, and Eikou Takahashi (1998),
“Semi-dynamic Traffic Assignment Models with Queue Evolution and Elastic OD Demands,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.15, pp.535-545.

21. Takashi Akamatsu and Masaki Handa (1998),
“Variational Inequality Approach to Multi-Regional Computable General Equilibrium Modeling,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.15, pp.175-185.

20. Masao Kuwahara and Takashi Akamatsu (1997),
“Reactive Dynamic User Optimal Assignment with Physical Queues for a Many-to-Many OD Pattern,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.555(IV-34), pp.091-102.

19. Takashi Akamatsu and Masaki Handa (1997),
“Feasible Office-Location Patterns for the Existence of the Combined Transportation Network and Residential Location Equilibrium,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.14, pp.253-258.

18. Takashi Akamatsu (1997),
“Decomposition of Path Choice Entropy in General Transport Networks,”
Transportation Science   Vol.31, pp.349-362.   [PDF]

17. Masao Kuwahara and Takashi Akamatsu (1997),
“Decomposition of the Reactive Dynamic Assignments with Queues for a Many-to-Many Origin-Destination Pattern;”
Transportation Research Part B   Vol.31,  pp. 1 - 10.    [PDF]

16. Takashi Akamatsu (1996),
“Cyclic Flows, Markov Process and Transportation Stochastic Assignment,”
Transportation Research Part B   Vol.30, pp.369-386.   [PDF]

15. Takashi Akamatsu and Masaki Handa (1996),
“Efficient Algorithms for Solving Nested LOGIT type Combined Residential-Location and Transportation Network Equilibrium Models,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.13, pp.279-287.

14. Takashi Akamatsu (1996),
“The Theory of Dynamic Traffic Network Flows,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.13, pp.023-048.

13. Takashi Akamatsu and Osamu Miyawaki (1995),
“Maximum Network Capacity Problems with Traffic Equilibrium Constraints,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.12, pp.719-729.

12. Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1994),
“Dynamic User Equilibrium Assignment on Oversaturated Road Networks for a One-to-Many / Many-to One OD Pattern,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.488(IV-23), p.021-030.

11. Masao Kuwahara and Takashi Akamatsu (1993),
“Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment with Queues for a One-to-Many OD Pattern,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 12th ISTTT)   Vol.12, pp.185-204. [PDF]

10. Tomio Arai, Takashi Akamatsu and Akihiro Yoshioka (1993),
“Stock Index Futures in Japan,”
The Journal of International Securities Markets   Vol.7, pp.159-164. [PDF]

9. Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1992),
“On the Rank of Network Incidence Matrices,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.449(IV-17), pp.223-226.

8. Takashi Akamatsu, Yuji Tsuchiya, and Nobuhiro Kawakami (1991),
“An Efficient Algorithm for Solving Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment,” (in Japanese)
Traffic Engineering   Vol.26, No.1, pp.051-058.

7. Takashi Akamatsu, Nobuhiro Kawakami, and Yuji Tsuchiya (1990),
“Some Numerical Results on the Iterative Algorithms for Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.8, pp.089-096.

6. Takashi Akamatsu and Yuji Tsuchiya (1990),
“Parallel Distributed Processing on Neural Networks for Some Transportation Equilibrium Assignment Problems,”
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 11th ISTTT)   Vol.11, pp.307-323. [PDF]

5. Takashi Akamatsu and Yuji Tsuchiya (1989),
“Neural Network Approach to the Equilibrum Traffic Assignment Problem,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.7, pp.227-234.

4. Takashi Akamatsu and Yoshiji Matsumoto (1989),
“A Stochastic Network Equilibrium Model with Elastic Demand and Its Solution Method,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.401(IV-10), pp.109-118.

3. Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1989),
“Optimal Toll Pattern on a Road Network under Stochastic Equilibrium with Elastic Demand,”
Selected Papers of the 5th World Conference on Transportation Research   pp.259-273. [PDF]

2. Hitoshi Ieda, Takashi Akamatsu, and Jun Takagi (1988),
“A Time-Space Network Equilibrium Model of Rail Commuters and Its Application to the Evaluation of Train Diagrams from the View Point of User Welfare,” (in Japanese)
Infrastructure Planning Review   Vol.6, pp.177-184.

1. Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1988),
“Optimal Road Pricing under Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment,” (in Japanese)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management   No.389(IV-8), pp.121-129.