Akamatsu's Selected Articles on
Spatial Economic Systems Analysis
May 30, 2022
- Self-organizing Spatial Agglomeration/ Pattern Formation of Economic Activities -
Stochastic (Global) Staability of Equilibrium Agglomeration Patterns
Globally Stable Equilibrium Patterns of Fujita-Ogawa Model in Two-dimensional Space,
(with M. Osawa, 2022)
Stochastic Stability of Urban Retail Agglomeration Patterns in Two-dimensional Space,
(with M. Osawa and Y. Kogure, 2021)
Equilibrium Refinement for a Model of Non-monocentric Internal Structures of Cities:
A Potential Game Approach,
(with M. Osawa, 2020)
Journal of Economic Theory
Vol.187, 105025
Emergence of Urban Landscapes: Equilibrium Selection in a Location Choice Game,
(with M. Osawa, 2019)
MPRA paper
Stochastic Stability Analysis of a Model of Polycentric Urban Configrations: Linear City vs. Circular City,
(with S. Yamaguchi, 2019)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.75, No.2, pp.109-127.
Deterministic (Local) Stability of Equilibrium Agglomeration Patterns
Multimodal Agglomeration in Economic Geography,
(with T. Mori, M. Osawa, and Y. Takayama, 2021, 2022)
Discrete-space Agglomeration Models with Social Interactions:
Multiplicity, Stability, and Continuous Limit of Equilibria,
(with S. Fujishima and Y. Takayama, 2017)
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Vol.69, pp.22 - 37.
Harris and Wilson (1978) Revisited:
Spatial Period-Doubling Bifurcation of a Retail Location Model with Agglomeration Economy,
(with M. Osawa and Y. Takayama, 2017)
Journal of Regional Science
Vol.57, pp.442-466.
Agglomeration Mechanism of a Core-periphery Model in a Long Narrow Economy:
Analogy to a Racetrack Economy,
(with K. Ikeda, K. Murota and Y. Takayama, 2017)
Special Issue in honor of Masahisa Fujita,
International Journal of Economic Theory
Vol.13, pp.113-145.
Self-organization of Hexagonal Agglomeration Patterns in New Economic Geography Models,
(with K. Ikeda, K. Murota, and Y. Takayama, 2014)
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Vol.99, pp.32-57.
Self-organization of Löóh's Hexagons in Economic Agglomeration for
Core-Periphery Models,
(with K. Ikeda and K. Murota, 2012)
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
Vol.22, Issue 8, 1230026.
Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack-Economy:
A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models,
(with Y. Takayama and K. Ikeda, 2012)
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
Vol.36, Issue11, pp.1729-1759.
Spatial Period-Doubling Agglomeration of a Core-Periphery Model with a System of Cities,
(with K. Ikeda and T. Kono, 2012)
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control
Vol.36, Issue 5, pp. 754 - 778.
Agglomeration Patterns of a Core-Periphery Model with
Multi-Scale Spatial Structure,
(with Y. Takayama and N. Kosaka, 2014),
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.70, No.1, pp.113-130.
Emergence of Urban Hierarchies in One-Dimensional Space:
Bifurcation Analysis of a
Multi-Industrial Core-Periphery Model with Relocation Costs,,
(with Y. Takayama and A. Sugasawa, 2013),
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.69, No.3, pp.250-266.
Emergence of Polycentric Urban Configurations from Combination of Communication Externality and Spatial Competition,
(with Y. Takayama, 2011),
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.67, No.1, pp.001-020.
Emergence of Industrial Hierarchy in One-dimensional Space: ,
Bifurcation Analysis of a Multi-industry Location Model with Communication Externality,
(with Y. Takayama, 2010),
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.27, No.02, pp.285-295.
Bifurcation Analysis of a Core-Periphery Model on a
Two-dimensional Triangular Lattice,
(with Y. Takayama, 2010),
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.27, No.01, pp.109-120.
Bifurcation Mechanism of the
Core-Periphery System of Cities Model,
(with Y. Takayama, K. Ikeda, A. Sugasawa, and S. Sato, 2010),
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.66, No.4, pp.442-460.
- Quantitative Spatial Economic (QSE) Models /
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Models with Spatial Structure -
Modeling Spatial Agglomeration with Input-Output Linkages and Multi-Scale Spatial Structure,
(with T. Ishikura and Y. Takayama (2018)),
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.74, No.3, pp.203-216.
Development of a Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model
with Factor Mobility and Agglomeration Economies,
(with Y. Takayama and T. Ishikura, 2016)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.72, No.2, pp.211-230.
Development of a SCGE model based on New Economic Geography,
(with Y. Takayama and T. Ishikura, 2014)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.70, No.4, pp.245-258.
Variational Inequality Approach to Multi-Regional
Computable General Equilibrium Modeling,
(with M. Handa, 1998)
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.15, pp.175-185.
- Combined Location-Transportation Equilibrium Analysis -
Alonso, Vickrey, and Monge-Kantorovich:
Isomorphism between Equilibrium Models of Location and Timing Choice, (2022)
First-best Dynamic Assignment of Commuters with Endogenous Heterogeneities in a Corridor Network,
(with M. Osawa and H. Fu, 2017)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 22th ISTTT)
Vol.22, pp.303-321.
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.117, pp.811-831.
Irreducibility of Dynamic Traffic Conditions
in a Model of Residential Location and Departure Time Choice
Equilibrium with Bottleneck Congestion,
(with Y. Takayama, 2009)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.65, No.1,
Catastrophe Averse Strategies for Routing and Siting in the Disposal of Hazardous Materials,
(with T. Nagae, 2007)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.63, No.4,
Feasible Office-Location Patterns for the Existence of the Combined Transportation Network
and Residential Location Equilibrium,
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.14, pp. 253-258.
Efficient Algorithms for Solving
Nested LOGIT type Combined Residential-Location and
Transportation Network Equilibrium Models,
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.13, pp.279-287.