Akamatsu's Selected Articles on
Transportation Network Systems Analysis
July 26, 2024
- Dynamic Traffic Assignment -
Departure-time & Location Choice/Assignment Models
A Paradox of Telecommuting and Staggered Work Hours in the Bottleneck Model
(with T. Sakai and K. Satsukawa, 2024)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 25th ISTTT)
Transportation Science
Vol.58 (in press)
Alonso, Vickrey, and Monge-Kantorovich:
Isomorphism between Equilibrium Models of Location and Timing Choice, (2024)
First-best Dynamic Assignment of Commuters with Endogenous Heterogeneities in a Corridor Network,
(with M. Osawa and H. Fu, 2017)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 22nd ISTTT)
Vol.23, pp.303.
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.117, pp.811-831.
Irreducibility of Dynamic Traffic Conditions
in a Model of Residential Location and Departure Time Choice
Equilibrium with Bottleneck Congestion,
(with T. Takayama, 2009)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.65, No.1,
Departure-time & Route Choice/Assignment Models
A Quadratic Programming Approach for Solving a Dynamic User Equilibrium
with Simultaneous Departure Time and Route Choice,
(with T. Nagae and R. Shimizu, 2020)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.76, No.3, pp.264-281.
A Capacity Increasing Paradox for a Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Departure Time Choice,
(with M. Kuwahara, 1999)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 14th ISTTT)
Vol.14, pp.301-324.
Departure-time Choice/Assignment Models
Queue Replacement Principle for Corridor Problems with Heterogeneous Commuters,
(with T. Sakai and K. Satsukawa, 2024)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.187, Article 103024
Dynamic Traffic Assignment in a Corridor Network: Optimum versus Equilibrium,
(with H. Fu, K. Satsukawa and K. Wada, 2022)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.161, pp.218-246.
A New Look at Departure-time Choice Equilibrium Models with Heterogeneous Users,
(with K. Wada and T. Iryo, 2021)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.148, pp.152-182.
The Corridor Problem with Discrete Multiple Bottlenecks,
(with K. Wada and S. Hayashi, 2015)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 21st ISTTT)
Vol.21, pp.474-498.
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.81, pp.808-829.
Route Choice/Assignment Models
Effcient and Accurate Algorithms for Dynamic User Equiibrium Assignment:
A Comparison of Fluid and Particle Approaches,
(with M. Wakui, T. Sakai, K. Satsukawa, 2024)
An Effcient Algorithm for Solving Dynamic User Equiibrium Traffic Assignment in Large-scale Networks,
(with M. Wakui, T. Sakai, 2023)
Japanese Journal of JSCE
Vol.79, Article ID:22-00301.
An Efficient Algorithm for Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment with Queues,
Transportation Science
Vol.35, pp.389-404.
Dynamic User Optimal Assignment with Physical Queues for a Many-to-Many OD Pattern,
(with M. Kuwahara, 2001)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.35, pp.461-479.
Decomposition of the Dynamic Assignments with Queues: DUO and DUE,
(with M. Kuwahara, 1997)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.31, pp.1-10.
The Theory of Dynamic Traffic Assignment, (1996)
Infrastructure Planning Review
(Invited Paper)
Vol.13, pp.23-48.
Dynamic User Equilibrium Assignment on Oversaturated Road Networks for a One-to-Many / Many-to One OD Pattern,
(with M. Kuwahara, 1994)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
IV-23, pp.21-30.
Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment with Queues for a One-to-Many OD Pattern,
(with M. Kuwahara, 1993)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 12th ISTTT)
Vol.12, pp.185-204.
Dynamic (Schedule-based) Transit Assignment Models
Global Stability of Day-to-Day Dynamics for Schedule-based Markovian Transit Assignment
with Boarding Queues,
(with Y. Oyama and K. Satsukawa, 2023)
A Time-Space Network Equilibrium Model of Rail Commuters
and Its Application to the User Benefit Evaluation of Train Scheduling,
(with H. Ieda and J. Takagi, 1988)
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.6, pp.177-184.
- Dynamic Traffic Management & Control (1):
Market-based Time-Space Matching Mechanisms -
Combined Market Mechanisms of Mobility Sharing Services & Tradable Permits
Efficient Hierarchical Market Mechanisms for Congestion Management of Heterogeneous Shared Mobility Services,
(with T. Takeda and T. Watanabe, 2023)
Market-based Matching Mechanisms for Crowdsourced Delivery Systems
A Market-based Efficient Matching Mechanism for Crowdsourced Delivery Systems with Demand/Supply Elasticity,
(with Y. Oyama, T. Takeda, 2024)
A Fluid-Particle Decomposition Approach to Matching Market Design for Crowdsourced Delivery Systems,
(with Y. Oyama, 2024)
Transportation Research Part C
Vol.166, Article 104738.
An Efficient Matching Mechanism for a Large-scale Crowdsourced Delivery Systems,
(with T. Takeda, 2022)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.78, pp.190-209.
Decomposition Strategies for Solving Crowdsourced-Delivery Matching Problems,
(with T. Watanabe, 2021)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.77, pp.083-095.
Tradable Mobility Permit Systems (Market-based Congestion Management Mechanisms)
Trading Mechanisms for Bottleneck Permits with Multiple Purchase Opportunities,
(with K. Wada and P. Wang, 2018)
Transportation Research Part C
Vol.95, pp.414-430.
Tradeable Network Permits: A New Scheme for the Most Efficient Use of Network Capacity,
(with K. Wada, 2017)
Transportation Research Part C
Vol.79, pp.178-195.
A Hybrid Implementation Mechanism of Tradable Network Permits System which Obviates Path Enumerationl,
(with K. Wada, 2013)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 20th ISTTT)
Vol.20, pp.304-326.
Transportation Research Part E
Vol.60, pp.94-112.
An e-Market Mechanism for Implementing Tradable Bottleneck Permits,
(with K. Wada, 2010)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.66, No.2,
Convergence of Day-to-Day Traffic Flow Dynamics under Tradable Bottleneck Permits,
(with K. Wada and S. Kikuchi, 2008)
Urban Transport
A System of Tradable Bottleneck Permits for Transportation Networks,
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.63, No.3,
Tradable Time-of-Day Bottleneck Permits for Morning Commuters,
(with S. Sato and N.X. Long, 2006)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.62, No.4,
- Dynamic Traffic Management & Control (2):
Ramp Metering and Capacity-Paradoxes -
Network Throughput under Dynamic User Equilibrium:
Queue Spillback, Paradox and Traffic Control,
(with K. Wada, K. Satsukawa, M. Smith, 2019)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.126, pp.391-413.
Dynamic Ramp Metering Strategies for Risk Averse System Optimal Assignment,
(with T. Nagae, 2007)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 17th ISTTT)
Vol.17, pp.87-110.
Detecting Capacity Paradoxes in Dynamic Traffic Assignment:
Analysis of Nonsaturated Networks,
(with B. Heydecker, 2003)
Detecting Capacity Paradoxes in Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Saturated Networks,
(with B. Heydecker, 2003)
Transportation Science
Vol.37, pp.123-138.
Dynamic Network Analyses - Present Knowledge and Future Exploration,
(with M. Kuwahara, 2000)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
(Invited Paper)
IV-48, pp.3-16.
A Dynamic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment Paradox, (2000)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.34, pp.515-531.
A Capacity Increasing Paradox for a Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Departure Time Choice,
(with M. Kuwahara, 1999)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 14th ISTTT)
Vol.14, pp.301-324.
- Other Topics on Dynamic Traffic Flow Analysis -
Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams and Spatio-Temporal Congestion Patterns
Stability of Congestion Patterns and Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams in Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Network,
(with T. Sakai, 2019)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.75, No.2,
An Empirical Analysis of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Sendai Road Network,
(with P. Wang, K. Wada and Y. Hara, 2015)
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences
Vol.21, No.1, pp.049-061.
Logistics Strategies against Megadisasters (Great East Japan Earthquake)
Evaluating Post-Megadisaster Strategies against Region-wide Gasoline Shortages in the Great East Japan Earthquake,
(with T. Nagae, H. Yamaguchi and M. Osawa, 2013, 2016)
[Presentation Slides]
Other Dynamic Transportation System Management Problems
A Control Strategy to Prevent Delay Propagation in High-Frequency Railway Systems,
(with K. Wada, and M. Osawa, 2012)
Journal of JSCE Series D3: Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.68, No.5,
Dynamic Revenue Management of a Toll Road Project under Transportation Demand Uncertainty,
(with T. Nagae, 2006)
Networks and Spatial Economics
Semi-dynamic Traffic Assignment Models with Queue Evolution and Elastic OD Demands, (1998)
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.15, pp.535-545.
- Stochastic (Random Utility Theory based) / Combined Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Models -
Markovian Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Models
Global Stability of Day-to-Day Dynamics for Schedule-based Markovian Transit Assignment
with Boarding Queues,
(with Y. Oyama and K. Satsukawa, 2023)
Markovian Equilibrium Traffic Assignment based on Network GEV Model,
(with Y.Oyama and Y. Hara, 2022)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.155, pp.135-159.
Stochastic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment with a Network GEV based Route Choice Model,
(with Y. Hara, 2014)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.70, No.6,
Decomposition of Path Choice Entropy in General Transport Networks, (1997)
Transportation Science
Vol.31, pp.349-362.
Cyclic Flows, Markov Process and Transportation Stochastic Assignment, (1996)
Transportation Research Part B
Vol.30, pp.369-386.
An Efficient Algorithm for Solving Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment,
Traffic Engineering
Vol.26, pp.51-58.
Parallel Distributed Processing on Neural Networks
for Some Transportation Equilibrium Assignment Problems, (1990)
Transportation and Traffic Theory (the 11th ISTTT)
Vol.11, pp.307-323.
Combined Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Models
Feasible Office-Location Patterns for the Existence of the Combined Transportation Network
and Residential Location Equilibrium,
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.14, pp. 253-258.
Efficient Algorithms for Solving
Nested LOGIT type Combined Residential-Location and
Transportation Network Equilibrium Models,
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.13, pp.279-287.
Unifying Theory and Algorithms for the Combined Transportation Network Models based on the Concept of Stochastic Equilibrium,
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tokyo.
Optimal Toll Pattern on a Road Network under Stochastic Equilibrium with Elastic Demand,
Selected Papers of the 5th World Conference on Transportation Research
A Stochastic Network Equilibrium Model with Elastic Demand and Its Solution Method, (1989)
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
IV-10, pp.109-118.
- Static Transportation System Management Problems -
Catastrophe Averse Strategies for Routing and Siting in the Disposal of Hazardous Materials,
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
Vol.63, No.4,
A Hybrid Schemes of Congestion Pricing and Reservations in Transportation Networks,
Advances in Infrastrucure Planning Applications of MPEC,
Maximum Network Capacity Problems with Traffic Equilibrium Constraints,
Infrastructure Planning Review
Vol.12, pp.719-729.
Optimal Congestion Toll under Stochastic Traffic Equilibrium Assignment,
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
IV-8, pp.121-129.
- Other Topics on Transportation Network Analysis -
On the Rank of Network Incidence Matrices,
JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management
IV-17, pp.223-226.