Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Oyama, Yasunari Hikima, and Tsubasa Takeda (2023),
“A Fluid-Particle Decomposition Approach to Matching Market Design for Crowdsourced Delivery Systems,”
arXiv: 2312.01641v1 [PDF].Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, and Koki Satsukawa (2023),
“A Paradox of Remote and Flexible Working in the Bottleneck Model,”
arXiv: 2309.08352v1 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa, and Yuki Oyama (2023),
“Global Stability of Day-to-Day Dynamics for Schedule-based Markovian Transit Assignment with Boarding Queues,”
arXiv: 2304.02194v1 [PDF].Masanao Wakui, Takara Sakai, and Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“An Effcient Algorithm for Solving Dynamic User Equiibrium Traffic Assignment in Large-scale Networks,”
Jxiv: 214 [PDF].Takara Sakai, Masanao Wakui, and Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“A Fast Algorithm for Solving Fujita-Ogawa Model in Discrete Two-dimensional Space,”
Jxiv: 187 [PDF].Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, and Koki Satsukawa (2022),
“Queue Replacement Principle for Corridor Problems with Heterogeneous Commuters,”
arXiv: 2210.03357v1 [PDF].Tomoya Mori, Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama, and Minoru Osawa (2022),
“Origin of Power Laws and Their Spatial Fractal Structure for City-Size Distributions,”
arXiv: 2207.05346v1 [PDF].Takara Sakai, Koki Satsukawa, Takashi Akamatsu (2022),
“Non-existence of Queues for System Optimal Departure Patterns in Tree Networks,”
arXiv: 2205.06015 [PDF].Haoran Fu, Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa, Kentaro Wada (2021),
“Dynamic Traffic Assignment in a Corridor Network: Optimum versus Equilibrium,”
arXiv: 2102.01899v2 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Tomoya Mori, Minoru Osawa, Yuki Takayama (2021, 2022),
“Multimodal Agglomeration in Economic Geography,”
arXiv: 1912.05113v4 [PDF].Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, Yosuke Kogure, (2020, 2022),
“Stochastic Stability of Agglomeration Patterns in an Urban Retail Model,”
arXiv: 2011.06778v1 [PDF].Yuki Oyama, Yusuke Hara, Takashi Akamatsu (2020, 2021),
“Markovian Traffic Equilibrium Assignment based on Network Generalized Extreme Value Model,”
arXiv: 2009.02033v3 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, Takamasa Iryo, Shunsuke Hayashi (2020),
“A New Look at Departure Time Choice Equilibrium Models with Heterogeneous Users,”
arXiv: 2009.11037v2 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, Takamasa Iryo, Shunsuke Hayashi (2018),
“Departure Time Choice Equilibrium and Optimal Transport Problems,”
MPRA paper 90361 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Takeshi Nagae, Minoru Osawa, Koki Satsukawa, Takara Sakai, Daijiro Mizutani (2020),
“Can a Herd Immunity Strategy become a Viable Option against COVID-19? A Model-based Analysis on Social Acceptability and Feasibility,”
medRxiv 2020.05.19.20107524 [PDF].Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu (2019),
“Emergence of Urban Landscapes: Equilibrium Selection in a Model of Internal Structure of the Cities,”
MPRA paper 92395 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Tomoya Mori, Minoru Osawa, Yuki Takayama (2017, 2019, 2020),
“Endogenous Agglomeration in a Many-Region World,”
MPRA paper 97496 [PDF]. arXiv: 1912.05113v2 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Tomoya Mori, Minoru Osawa, Yuki Takayama (2017),
“Spatial Scale of Agglomeration and Dispersion: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Implications,”
MPRA paper 83142 [PDF].Minoru Osawa, Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama (2015, 2016),
“ Harris and Wilson (1978) Model Revisited: The Spatial Period-Doubling Cascade in an Urban Retail Model,”
MPRA paper 70969 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Shota Fujishima, Yuki Takayama (2015),
“Discrete-Space Social Interaction Models: Stability and Continuous Limit,”
MPRA paper 65225 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Shota Fujishima, Yuki Takayama (2014),
“On Stable Equilibria in Discrete-Space Social Interaction Models,”
MPRA paper 55938 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama (2013, 2015),
“Agglomerations in a Multi-Region Economy: Poly-Centric versus Mono-Centric Patterns,”
KIER DP929 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama (2009),
“ A Simplified Approach to Analyzing Multi-Regional Core-Periphery Models,”
MPRA paper 21739 [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu, Yuki Takayama, Kiyohiro Ikeda (2009),
“Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack Economy: A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models,”
MPRA paper 21738 [PDF].Kiyohiro Ikeda, Takashi Akamatsu, Tatsuhito Kono (2009),
“Spatial Period-Doubling Agglomeration of a Core-Periphery Model with a System of Cities,”
MPRA paper 25636 [PDF].
Toshimori Otazawa and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Equilibrium Dynamics of Interregional Migration Timing Decision in Agglomeration Economies,” [PDF].Shintaro Sato and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“A Core-Periphery Model with a Knowledge Transfer Mechanism,” [PDF].Kiyohiro Ikeda, Tatsuhito Kono, Takashi Akamatsu, Akito Yanagimoto and Syunji Yamaki (2007),
“Symmetry Breaking Bifurcation of Krugman's Core-Periphery Model with Many Regions: Group Theoretic Approach,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Tradeable Network Permits: A New Scheme for the Most Efficient Use of Network Capacity,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“A System of Tradable Bottleneck Permits for Transportation Networks,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2007),
“Catastrophe Averse Strategies for Routing and Siting in the Disposal of Hazardous Materials,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2006, revised 2007),
“Dynamic System Optimal Traffic Control based on Realtime Observation of Stochastic Travel Time,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2006, revised 2007),
“Dynamic Ramp Metering Strategies for Risk Averse System Optimal Assignment,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2005),
“Graph Options: Evaluating Complex Interdependent Decisions under Uncertainty,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2004, revised 2007),
“A Generalized Complementarity Approach to Solving Real Option Problems,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Yasushi Oba (2004),
“Global Firms' Location and Regional Economic Risks,”(in Japanese) [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Yuki Takayama (2004, revised 2006),
“Irreducibility of Dynamic Traffic Conditions in a Model of Residential Location and Departure Time Choice Equilibrium with Bottleneck Congestion,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Benjamin Heydecker (2003),
“Detecting Capacity Paradoxes in Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Analysis of Nonsaturated Networks,” [PDF].
Takashi Akamatsu, Shintaro Sato and Nguyen Xuan Long (2005, revised 2006),
“Tradable Time-of-Day Bottleneck Permits for Morning Commuters,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2005, revised 2006),
“A Financial Engineering Approach to Managing Infrastructure Project Risks,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2005, revised 2006),
“Dynamic Revenue Management of a Toll Road Project under Transportation Demand Uncertainty,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2004),
“A Stochastic Control Model of Project Decisions Represented as a Graph Structure,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2003),
“Variational Ineauqlity Approach to Infrastructure Investment/Management Problems under Uncertainty,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Takeshi Nagae (2003),
“Dynamic Pricing and Hedging of Projects with Stochastic Cash Flow Streams: an Entropic Projection Approach,” [PDF].Takeshi Nagae and Takashi Akamatsu (2003),
“Pricing of Real Options in an Incomplete Market,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Benjamin Heydecker (2002),
“Detecting Capacity Paradoxes in Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Saturated Networks,” [PDF].
Takashi Akamatsu (2003),
“The Cell Transmission Model, Newell's Cumulative Curves and Min-Plus Algebra,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu and Masao Kuwahara (1996),
“Dynamic Network Equilibrium Model of Simultaneous Route / Departure Time Choice for a Many-to-One OD Pattern,” [PDF].Takashi Akamatsu (1996),
“Stochastic Traffic Assignment with Geometric Attributes of Paths,” [PDF].